Monthly Archives: May 2014

The new natural gas demand side management framework

Natural gas is a valuable resource.  We use it to heat our buildings and to provide us with hot water, and we burn it to produce electricity.  But burning natural gas produces carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas (GHG) … Continue reading

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The price of doing nothing

How often have we heard how expensive it is to meaningfully invest in more and better public transit? And then there are the additional costs associated with infrastructure that would support more active lifestyles – bike lanes and walkways for … Continue reading

Posted in General, Transportation | Tagged active transportation, , , transit, | Leave a comment

Profit Centre: Why we invest in sustainability

I receive a phone call nearly every week from someone asking me how the Toronto Atmospheric Fund got into and does “impact investing.”  By impact investing, we’re referring to how we invest TAF’s $23 million endowment in a manner that … Continue reading

Posted in General, Green finance | Tagged Impact Investing, investments, , | 1 Comment

IPCC Climate Change Mitigation Report: 5 things you need to know

For those in the business of fighting climate change, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment reports are like the bible. These five-pounders summarize the evolving global scientific consensus around climate change – including apocalyptic undertones. The latest IPCC report, … Continue reading

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New report on connection between air pollution and health

A recently released report from Toronto Public Health shows air pollution is linked to 1,300 premature deaths and 3,550 hospitalizations each year in Toronto. According to Path to Healthier Air: Toronto Air Pollution Burden of Illness Update, emissions from cars … Continue reading

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